Team LaunchNotes
Private LaunchNotes pages
Announcements Meta Roadmap

Private pages are coming 👀

AUTHOR: Team LaunchNotes
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Private LaunchNotes pages

What's coming?

Soon you will have the ability to create a private LaunchNotes page! Private LaunchNotes pages use SAML/SSO connections to lock down your published Announcements and Roadmaps to an audience you control. This is ideal for enabling teams within your company to know what's shipping and when.

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A sneak peek

We'll be shipping Private LaunchNotes pages starting with SAML/SSO in early August. Here's a quick teaser (Loom video) from Bryce, our feature lead, on how simple the setup is for a Private LaunchNotes page.

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What's next?

Leave some feedback on this Announcement if you have a Private LaunchNotes page use case we can help out with.

Want early access? Grab some time with our team to tell us more and get on the early access list. Book time and get early access.

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