Team LaunchNotes
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Your releases now support embed Looms, Surveys and custom CTAs

AUTHOR: Team LaunchNotes

The release article editor just got a major upgrade. You can now:

  • Use the grid system to build custom layouts for your content

  • Embed html, allowing you to embed Youtube & Loom videos, Typeform surveys and anything else that comes to mind

  • Create custom buttons for rich call to actions

The LaunchNotes article is a powerful tool for communicating change in high detail and quality. The article editor levels up your ability to communicate by allowing you to create custom, grid-based layouts and embed your favorite rich media.

What's new?

The editor has been completely redesigned. It uses a system of blocks to allow you to build custom layouts constructed of all of your typical typographic elements, as well as images, videos, gifs and embeddable content.

New objects

Layout grid

See it in action

YouTube videos

Have you seen our how to videos?

Loom videos

Here's an old embed teaser made with loom 😉

Embedded surveys!

Bring your own survey tool or feedback collector and embed it right into your announcement? Yes.


Code blocks

Have you tried our embed?

heading="Heres what were up to" heading-color="#FFF" 
subheading="These are our favorite updates" 
subheading-color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)" 
primary-color="lightblue" >

What's next?

We're progressively rolling out the new editor to your articles this week. We're exploring ways to integrate this editor into other text editing fields.

( 🚀 on the new LaunchNotes editor)

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