Team LaunchNotes

The APIs

AUTHOR: Team LaunchNotes

A management API to let you update and create releases. And a publishable API that allows you to embed public release info anywhere you want.

What's changing

We're introducing two APIs for your LaunchNotes account. A management API to let you update and create releases. And a publishable API that allows you to embed public release info anywhere you want. API access becomes available at the Business plan

APIs unlock automation super powers

For many teams, product communication problems begin before the work even starts. Product and engineering teams struggle to keep track of their stakeholders. This results in their teammates finding out about their work too late.

Your product and engineering teams can now automate the creation of releases using the LaunchNotes API. With this, product and engineering can now focus entirely on what they're great at, shipping. Stakeholders will get updated as soon as the feature's project is created in their task manager of choice.

How to create your tokens

Make sure you have an active Business plan. To create a token, visit your project settings and click API Access in the left hand nav. This feature is currently invite-only.

Management API

The management API supports creating and updating releases for deep integrations with your existing tooling and workflows. These tokens should never be shared publicly.

Publishable API

Our publishable API grants the ability to expose and embed your published, read-only releases anywhere you would like in your product. These tokens are safe to share publicly.

More documentation available here:

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